27 July 2005

Searching for lost friends

I had to go out at lunch today, despite the fact that it's currently 97 degrees. No money + no food = trip to the bank. I think the heat must have frizzled my brain, because I could have sworn that I saw, walking down Eighth Avenue, my high school friend, James Han. It wasn't him, sadly.

James played Linus in our senior year production of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown." That should give you an idea of his loveableness. I haven't seen or heard from him since 1986, when we graduated from Bayside High. He was going to some obscure Christian college, which his parents had insisted on. They were fairly recent immigrants from Korea, and very conservative. So, despite the fact that James was one of the top students in our class, he was shuttled off to academic obscurity.

I heard a while later that he transferred somewhere out in California, Pomona maybe. After that, the trail goes cold. Google has been no help in the past, though my encounter at lunch reminded me to try again.

If any of you in my wide audience have any information about James Han's whereabouts, please let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Google search turns him up. He is living in the Bayside/Flushing area.

10:08 AM  

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