04 September 2007

Back to it, again

According to a study released last week, nearly half of all American workers are dissatisfied with their job.

However, the study went on to find that only 13% of people who reported making "post-Labor Day resolutions" were planning to look for a new job. I guess we're all (I count myself in the nearly half referenced above) discouraged about the prospects of finding something better.

I also count myself in the group of people who make Labor Day resolutions. I doubt I'll ever stop feeling that this time of year is "back to school," and back to school means getting down to business.

To wit: walk to work every day (this is a gimme, because I moved over the weekend to an apartment exactly one mile from my office, and the cross-town bus takes longer than walking); get up earlier for writing and stretching (not at all hard this morning, because the cats are still getting used to their new apartment, and were climbing on my head at 5am); no more deli coffee (oops; drinking a cup now); go to the gym, go to the greenmarket, go to yoga (I'll let you know); less freaking out, more finding ways to soothe myself and transcend stressful situations (ditto).

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you said goodbye to that cute apartment you submitted to apartmenttherapy?

6:11 PM  

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