02 January 2006

Starting the year off with a whimper

My friends Stacy and Howard are in right now in a car headed down 95 South to North Carolina. Stacy is moving there for three months to do research on her next book; Howard is Driving Miss Stacy. I helped her carry her things down from her fifth-floor walk-up to the rental car, so I feel very altruistic and virtuous. (In truth, I only made one trip, then got the coveted "wait with the car parked at a hydrant" position.)

I rewarded myself with a midday movie. It feels so decadent somehow, having this Monday off. I even got popcorn.

(Everyone has their post-9/11 traumas; mine are loud noises and crowded public spaces. The AMC 25 on 42nd Street is not the place for an incipient claustrophobe, as it turns out. I went because it has stadium seating, and I figured the midtown location wouldn't be a huge draw on a holiday. Bad choice. It's got these horribly narrow escalators that go up for three stories at a time, barely fitting one person; and I didn't see any stairs. How did the architect get away with this? Did he pay off the building department for the permit?)

I saw Brokeback Mountain, which I'd heard all the good things about, and which I didn't want to be the last person in the world to see. It is all you've heard it is -- spare, taut, sexy, sad... incredibly sad. I cried, as I knew I would, but not as much as I would have if there hadn't been a guy sitting next to me wrestling me for the armrest for the entire two hours.

I was impressed though, that he appeared to be there on a date with a woman. From what I have heard, heterosexual men are not flocking to this movie. I go back to work tomorrow, to the office which is composed of 95% straight men. It didn't occur to me until afterwards that I may have chosen the wrong movie to see in order to keep up with the water cooler chat.


Blogger Francesca said...

You are not the last person to see this film. I am. Grrr. Argh. I want to read the story too.

4:59 PM  

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